Education & Training

Home Security & Awareness Education & Training

Education & Training

Security awareness training helps business leaders and employees understand the security landscape and key issues relevant to their role. Though education and training services organisation reduce the likelihood of becoming a victim of a successful attack.

Todays employees are highly targeted by cyber criminals because of their trusted nature, network access and lower level understanding of security. Cortida training services provide executives and employees with a range of face to face or computer based training (CBT) courses.

Security Awareness Services answer questions such as:

  • How can the organisation be less susceptibility to common exploits?
  • How can a culture of security be introduced across the organisation?
  • Will the organisations employees know how to respond to a cyber attack?
  • How will the organisation meet it’s regulatory or contractual requirements to maintain a security awareness programme?

For an example of security awareness innovation, see Cortida's The CyberSec Deck

Security & Awareness

  • Executive Cyber Briefings
  • Staff Awareness Training
  • Security training for Developers